Range Creek Canyon

Images from an amazing adventure in Range Creek Canyon, Utah

I knew I was in for a good day as I departed the trailhead to the sound of a wild turkey gobble in the still morning air. A short detour provided views of the nearest petroglyph panels. And just a quarter mile down the two-track 4WD road serving as the trail, I picked up fresh, distinct tracks of a large animal – black bear. I was already in awe of Range Creek Canyon and I’d been hiking less than 15 minutes. 

The (mandatory) permit system indicated that I’d obtained permit 1 of 28 for the day. Yes, it’s a bit late in the season, with temperatures climbing into the 90’s. And this is a remote location. But it’s still a rare treat to have a canyon like this all to myself for the entire day. Perfect.

I reveled in quiet exploration for the next 8 hours, hiking 11 miles, on and off trail. Steamboat Rock, Barton Canyon, Dry Canyon, Nelson Canyon – wading through Range Creek several times. Spotting deer, elk, eagles and countless tracks of other fauna. And seeking out numerous ancient pictographs, petroglyphs, granaries from the Fremont culture. Pure and simple, a bucket-list experience.

Please visit with respect and leave no trace, so those that come after you may have the same wild, un-spoiled experience.